# Governance and Revision ``` eval_rst .. todo:: .. markdown:: Sections missing: * User contributions * License and contributor agreements * GitHub work flow * Issue management (see also [Issue Tracker](pattern-issue-tracker)) * Revisions ``` ```eval_rst .. _section-revision-process ``` ## Revision process Whenever standards are revised there needs to be a governance process. This is likely to make use of an [issue tracker](pattern-issue-tracker) and a [changelog](pattern-version-control-changelog). ### Worked example: OCDS The governance process for the Open Contracting Data Standard is set out in the diagram below. ![Governance process](http://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/_images/upgrade_process_feb_2016.png) As the OCDS [ChangeLog illustrates](http://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/schema/changelog/), each change has a related GitHub issue where changes are discussed. During the revision process, discussions took place in a range of fora, including through the mailing list, at face-to-face events, or through webinars. However, substantive points should always be written up as part of the GitHub issues to ensure changes are documented and justified. A [peer-review stage in OCDS revision provided an opportunity for formal feedback on changes](https://github.com/open-contracting/standard/issues/429), and was facilitated through the creation of a spreadsheet template that experts could work through. ```eval_rst .. todo:: Add examples from the OCDS upgrade process, including slides used in engagement and possibly a timeline of the process ``` ## Conformance and deprecation policies A standard needs policies on: * Conformance * Deprecation For example, see the OCDS [conformance](http://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/schema/conformance_and_extensions/) and [deprecation](http://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/schema/deprecation/) policies ```eval_rst .. todo:: Expand this section ``` ## Versioning Patterns ```eval_rst :ref:`patternpage-versioning` * :ref:`pattern-normative` * :ref:`pattern-version-number` * :ref:`pattern-release-candidate`